About the City
About the City

Zrenjanin is:
- the largest city in the Province of Vojvodina and the second largest in the Republic of Serbia referring the administrative territory it covers (1,326 km2);
- the third city in Vojvodina and the seventh one in the Republic of Serbia referring the number of inhabitants (80,000);
- the city with the largest number of water courses in its surrounding in the Republic of Serbia (Rivers: Danube, Tisa, Begej, Tamiš, canal network of hydro system Danube-Tisa-Danube);
- the city of the oldest theatre hall in our country (1839);
- the city of the oldest photo studio at the territory of ex-Yugoslavia (1845);
- the city of the oldest sport hall in our country, built for sport purposes only (1961);
- the city of the best choir in the world (1987);
- the city of the most successful National Museum in Serbia (2006) and Historical Archive (2007) in Serbia;
- the most attractive city for investment in Serbia (2006), assessed by the American Agency for International evelopment USAID, Republic Agency for Foreign Investment and Export Promotion SIEPA, Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs and American Chamber of Commerce;
- the city of the most dynamic total development in Serbia (2007), according to the assessment of Club of Economic Journalist of Serbia , Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises Belgrade and "Agrobanka" AD Belgrade;
- the city of twelve sportsmen at the Olympic Games in Beijing (2008);
- the city of the most favourable business conditions in Serbia and the second one in the South-Eastern Europe, as assessed by the World Bank (2000).