Ambassador of the Russian Federation visited Zrenjanin
His Excellency Aleksandar Vasiljevič Konuzin, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Serbia, visited the City of Zrenjanin today. The opening of the exhibition in the Hall of the Historic Archive of Zrenjanin named "The First World War through documents and photographs" was organised in the memory of 1 August 1914 when the Russian Empire entered the First World War of the Allies, to protect Serbia against Austo-Hungarian Monarchy. The exhibition includes the collection of documents from the Central Museum, the Army of the Russian Federation and the archives of Bulgaria, Bellorus and Serbia The visit of His Excellency, the Ambassador Aleksandar Konuzin started with the reception in the City Hall by Deputy Mayor, Čedomir Janjić and other high local officials. The Ambassador reminded that the Russians and the Serbs were fighting together in both World War as in other wars and that it has become a tradition to remember our heroes, as in Zrenjanin at this occasion.

But it was not only history that was discussed during the talks, but also current issues, including opportunities for economic cooperation in future.
According to the Ambassador Konuzion it is important to define priorities, and particularly in agriculture, since agriculture products are very much in demand on the Russian market, and the future development depends on us. Also he mentioned the twinning of Zrenjanin and Noginsk, which is supported by the Russian Embassy.

Also, the issue of the Russian language learning at schools was tackled by the Ambassador who emphasised the importance of the Russian language for future professional activity..
Deputy Mayor, Čedomir Janjić, welcomed the high representative of the Russian Federation, expressing his pleasure that Zrenjanin was chosen for this anniversary.
After the reception the officials laid the wreath at Gradnuličko graveyard where 69 Serbian and 85 Russian soldiers are buried. On behalf of Zrenjanin City Hall there were: Deputy Mayor Čedomir Janjić, Chairman of the City Assembly and the member of the City Council Zlatana Ankić. Afterwards the Ambassador visited the National Museum and talked to the members of the Russian –Serbian Society.

Opening the exhibition the Ambassador Konuzin concluded that these two nations have learnt many lessons which are to be remembered in regard to contemporary conflicts, even now , at the beginning of XXI century. These lessons prove that big world problems are not to be solved form the point of view of egoistic interests of some countries, by force and violation of international policy laws and regulations. Unfortunately, in Serbia the sovereignty of the Serbian people is still violated and Russian people support Serbia in defence of its interest, as they used to do through history and wars, said the Ambassador Konuzin.