Visit Zrenjanin

Tourist-economic and cultural events
"Beer Days"
One of the most important and the most visited tourist-economic events in Serbia is organised every year, during the last week in August, and it was established for the first time in 1986."Beer Days" is the City's event which includes the cultural, entertainment, sport and economic programmes, and in the last several years it was daily visited by a few thousands guests.
More than 20 kinds of beer can be tasted at hospitality stalls as well as gastronomic specialties, and at several locations more than 20 various music programmes are held, including rock concerts, pop music evenings festival of tamburitza* players "Prim za primom, festival sa pivom", exhibition of folk work "Banatske vredne ruke", international folklore festival "Lala", international festival of wedding customs and festival of archaic instruments players, competition in fish soup preparing "Zlatni kotlić", sport competitions and tournaments, entertainment park, children programmes, art happening, ethno-exhibition, international fair of entrepreneurship "INOCOOP", competition in fast beer drinking for women and men and other interesting competitions.
* tamburitza – music instrument
International Aquarelle Biennial
Since 1993 the Art Colony Ecka has been organising the International Aquarelle Biennial every second year presenting the significant aquarelle works, with the main idea to stimulate artists to work in aquarelle technique within the contemporary art. Apart from the aquarelle exhibition in the Contemporary Gallery in Zrenjanin and individual exhibition of the winner artist, expert seminars and workshops are also organised to discuss aquarelle technique as well as various art meetings and gatherings.
Festival of professional theatres of Vojvodine
Originally the festival was not organised regularly but since 2005 it has become the annual cultural event in April, held in the National Theatre "Toša Jovanović" Festival of Professional Theatres of Vovjodina, the oldest theatre festival in our country. The best provincial drama and puppet performances of the year are selected, assessed and awarded by professional judges. The Festival also includes other programmes – promotions, exhibitions acting workshops etc.
International Fair of Innovations, Cooperations and Entrepreneurship "INOCOOP"
The Fair is held since 2000 during "Beer Days", in the City Sport Hall and surrounding park and at Karadjordje square. There are more than a hundred participant from our country and abroad. It is organised by Regional Chamber of Commerce Zrenjanin and General Association of Entrepreneurs presenting private entrepreneurship businesses and promoting the development of small and medium companies, which could contribute to the more efficient solutions of economic problems in our society through innovations and the strengthening of cooperation relations.
Ethno-Festival "Harvesting Celebrations"
Every July the celebration of harvest, wheat and bread is organised by the local administrative office "Mužlja" . It is known as "Harvesting Celebrations". Harvesters in national costumes compete in various harvesting activities. The Festival also includes preparing and promotion of Banat food and drink specialties.
International Folklore Festival "Lala"*
This Festival is organised by the Association of Amateur Cultural-Art Societies of Zrenjanin (SAKUD) since 2003 and it is a part of "Beer Days" programmes. At one of the City's squares, in the evenings, during the last week in August, folklore ensembles from Serbia and abroad have their performances. They also give performances in the surrounding villages. The Festival opens by a solemn defile of the participants through the central City's streets.
* Lala – the local jargon term for a Banat man
International Festival of Wedding Customs and Festival of Archaic Instrument Players
Since 2005, during the "Beer Days" festivity, the International Festival of Wedding Customs is organised, and since 2007 the Festival of Archaic Instrument Players too, such as bagpipes and fife etc. The Festivals are organised by Culture - Art Society "Veseli Banaćani" /Jolly Banat People/. The Festival includes a defile through the central city's streets and squares.
Ethno – Festival "Banat diligent hands"
Ethno-Festival which is organised during the "Beer Days" festival, aiming to the tradition continuing and supporting ethno-work creation in the Banat region. The Festival gathers participants in various fields, who present home made handwork, the old handcraft products, local gastronomic specialties, while musicians in national costumes play traditional instruments.
"Days of Stevan Sremac"
A culture event which has been being organised in Elemir since 2006, at the end of June. It is dedicated to the great Serbian writer, Stevan Sremac, who spent one part of his life in this village and dedicated to it one of his work, "Bal u Elemiru" /"A Ball in Elemir"/. Apart from the announcement of the winners of the literature competition "Bal u Elemiru" and thematic literature evenings, many appropriate exhibitions, concerts, theatre performaces are organised during these days.
"Days of Uroš Predić"
This festival is organised at the beginning of June in Orlovat, the birthplace of one of the greatest Serbian painters from the period of realism. The meetings of artists, painting colonies and exhibitions are in the focus of this event but they are further followed by numerous additional programmes, reviving the memories of Uroš Predić, literature promotions, entertainment programmes etc.