In memory to II World War Čenta victims
Laying of wreaths at the monuments in the center and at the north of Čenta and service held in memory of II World War Čenta victims marked August 19 1943 when the German Army shot 5 patriots, while during the period 1941-45, 51 inhabitants of Čenta were killed fighting against fascism. The wreaths were laid at two monuments by the delegation of Zrenjanin City, City Board of II World War veterans, members of AP Vojvodina Assembly, City Board of Serbian National Party Zrenjanin and SNP Čenta local board.

The organiser of this date marking, the Chairman of SNP Čenta local board, member of Zrenjanin City Assembly, Milan Mrkobrad, reminded of the importance of remembering victims and marking this date.

On behalf of Zrenajnin City the wreat was laid by Vice Chairman of Zrenjanin Assembly, Ljubomir Stanisavljev, Secretary of Zrenjanin Assembly, Milan Mrkšić and Acting Director of Tourist organisation, Marica Kosanović. Milan Mrkšić stated that we should remember history to be able to respect our present and create our future.

The delegation of the members of AP Vojvodina Assembly was as follows; dr Predrag Matejin, Ivan Bošnjak, M.Sci. and Stojanka Lekić, delegation of II World War Veterans / GO SUBNOR/ Nedeljko Papić, and delegation of SNP /SNS/ Zrenjanin Vice President of City Board Mirko Krlić and members of Zrenjanin City Assembly Milena Prstojević, Gordana Adamov and Dušan Šijan, and delegation of local Čenta SNP /SNS/ Board Milan Mrkobrad, Ljiljana Mihajlović and Žika Grubić. Also present there were the members of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, prof. Mirko Atlagić and Miodrag Linta, who is the Chairman of the Coalition of Refugee Associations in the Republic of Serbia.