The City Gets the Latest a Half-Million Worth Equipment for Emergency Situations
The latest equipment for emergency situations was delivered to the Mayor of Zrenjanin , Čedomir Janjić today. The equipment was purchased through the project “Joint Flood Risk Management” of IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Romania – Republic of Serbia. The total value of this equipment designed for prompt and qualitative emergency actions is 500.000 EUR.

The Leading Partner is the Regional Agency for Social-Economic Development ”Banat”, and the partner is Intermuniciapl Devleopment Agency for Emergency Management - ADIVEST from Temisoara. The total value of the project is 828,000.00 EUR. It was fully supported by the City of Zrenjanin and Emergency Management Sector of the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

As the Director of RAD Banat , Irena Živković, says the project objective is to upgrade the security of Banat population in the cross- border region between Romania and Serbia, i.e. the development of cross-border system for flood prevention and management, including the upgrading of the local governments in the region of Banat and Timis. As she says the project started in April and it will have been finished by the end of the year, and it includes both purchase of vehicles and equipment but emergency trainings too.

- Up to now 4 terrain vehicles, and this equipment which is delivered today includes 2 multi-function emergency vehicles, 3 combined dredgers , 6 motor rescue boats, 4 mobile aggregates, 6 mobile pumps, 10 sewage sludge pumps, 1400 m of sucction pipes, 50 tents, as well as 80 sets of personal equipment – explained Ms Živković.

The Mayor Čedomir Janjić says that this valuable contemporary equipment makes Zrenjanin and the region of Banat in the best equipped region in Serbia regarding emergency management but that it will be used for other purposes too.

- We have done much regarding the upgrading of the work of our Emergency Department and furthermore we are going to establish a civil protection unit. The equipment will be used for prevention actions, first of all, dredgers which will be available to public utility services. Certainly we are going to cooperate with other municipalities of our district this equipment will enable us to manage emergency situations in a prompt and efficient way- said the Mayor.

The equipment will be stored in a special storage and City Administration will be responsible for its storage and maintenance.- added Janjić.