Zrenjanin in IPA 2007 Programme to Municipal Support
Regarding the support to the programme named ”Citizen service quality improvement of City and Municipality Administrations” yesterday (25 April 2012) in Belgrade a Memorandum of Understanding between "IPA 2007 Programme of support to municipalities – Good administration, planning and service providing" and the City of Zrenjanin.
On the behalf of Zrenjanin City the Memorandum of Understandinga was signed by Zorica Denda, Mayor Deputy. The Memorandum was signed by 15 municipalities, cities and city municipalities in Serbia, which were chosen in the component "Administrative efficiency", as well as by 14 municipalities and cities which will be supported within the component "Municipal finances".

The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding is the providing of technical support to the City of Zrenjnin within the component "Administrative efficiency – Improvement of service quality" by MSP IPA 2007 Project, financed by the European Union.
The IPA 2007 programme of support to municipalities is run by GIZ – International Services in the cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns (SKGO) and Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, State Administration and Local Government, and it is financed by the Delegation of the Europe an Union in the Republic of Serbia. The City of Zrenjanin was granted the technical support after an Open Call dated 24 January 2012 and closed. 24 February 2012.

Pursuant to the defined plan of the Memorandum Annex the implementation of the granted package includes appointing of Operation Coordinator in Service quality, Improvement of work process and consulting act ivies, networking and informing communication and trainings.
The planned time framework is 7 months.
Having in mind the fact that, supported by contemporary information technologies by established GIS Center and WebGIS portal, Zrenjanin City Administration intends to increase its capacities in future as well as to extend and improve services to citizens and appropriate expert supported is needed for these objectives. The City of Zrenjanin demonstrated the functioning of GIS through the implementation of the p[pilot application for the support of Zrenjanin industrials zones for domestic and foreign investors. In order to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of GIS Center, the next stage would be the improvement of the present and introducing of new services on WebGIS portal for citizens, which will provide the option of Internet registration, application and complaint submitting regarding communal infrastructure and other issues of the Department of Communal Police and Inspection.