Victory Day - in memoriam of facism victims
Today, across Europe 67th anniversary of the ending of the most tragic war in man's history, the Second World War. Back on 9th May 1945 when Germany capitulated, the creating of a new Europe began opening a new era of development new political relations.
Victory Day is marked in Zrenjanin, the laying of wreaths at memorials and evoking memories of the events of World War II. Traditionally, the marking of this date, attended by representatives of the Russian Federation Embassy in Serbia, who paid tribute to Red Army soldiers, killed in the fighting for the liberation of the city in October 1944. 220 of them gave their lives for the freedom of Zrenjanin, and the Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Serbia, Konstantin Borisovich Nakichenovich visited the monument at Bagljaš dedicated to them. The ceremony was also attended by the President of the City Assembly, Aleksandar Marton and the representatives of the National Liberation War Veterans Association of Zrenjanin.

The President of the City Assembly, jointly with the Mayor Deputy Goran Kaurić laid wreath at the monument of Žarko Zrenjanin and the representative of the Russian Embassy. Also the wreath was laid by National Liberation War Veterans Association and Associations of Veterans of the Wars on the Former Yugoslavia and other relevant associations.

Speaking about the importance of this anniversary the Deputy Mayor, Goran Kaurić points out that it is our obligation to remember this day, particularly because of young generations which are often misled into fascism ideology.

According to the President of the City Assembly, Aleksandar Marton it is important to remind constantly of the importance of antifascist policies and the causes of the Second World war. Also he says, the local government will continue to mark important dates of the Second World War, and Zrenjanin as a City was commended for the marking of all dates regarding Holocaust and suffering of Jews in the second World war.